A new professional has appeared to join Abylight Team! It’s a very restless and passionate for video games person who has achieved a balance between multiple roles related with the industry.
Graduated as Technician Engineer in IT Systems, since 1999 he has been a writer in video game magazines such as Vandal or Videoshock. Also, he is founder of DOID, the first association of Spanish video game developers, and an active member of PAD.
The games in which he has worked have been recognised with prestigious awards such as Game Connection Development Awards, Gamelab or Indie Burger Developer Awards.
Probably you’ve seen him in thousands of interviews and rare is the occasion when he misses a video game related event. Indeed, we are talking about Ramón Nafria, also known as NaeVal on Twitter and video games expert. After working in several companies such as Digital Legends, Blit, Gameloft or, more recently, A Crowd of Monsters, he has joined the team of Abylight Studios as Publishing Manager.
His main aim is the research of talent in the industry and finding projects that, apart from being extraordinarily fun, bring their distinctive touch.