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Meet the villains from One Military Camp: Dragan

Spooky season is over! But guess what is really spooky… the evil charismatic villain that threatens the land in One Military Camp.

Do you want to know more about Dragan? He truly is a piece of work, and we should learn as much about him as possible if we want to defeat him.

Let’s dive again into our declassified files, shall we? Time to meet the villains from One Military Camp!

▷ Meet the villains from One Military Camp: Dragan | Abylight Barcelona | Independent video game developer studio in Barcelona.
Name: Dragan
Age: 41
Rank: Supreme Leader (we'll see about that!)
Weakness: Hugs

We know little about Dragan's past, almost as if he had been thawed from one of the northern glaciers, melted by the rising temperatures. Scientists say that a multitude of unknown viruses lay dormant under the Arctic ice. In our case, it was the virus of totalitarianism what spread from the northern lands. 

According to the official Draganist literature, Dragan already showed exceptional leadership skills from an early age and was elected by his classmates as class president and most popular student for six consecutive years. However, independent research by historian Percival Longbottom casts shadows over these “facts”, describing instead an insecure and spiteful being, oozing with toxic masculinity and delusions of grandeur. 

The reality is that his anti-recess policies did not catch on with his elementary school comrades, who preferred to vote for Rudiger, an inanimate rubber ducky and class mascot, who ruled wisely and was loved by all the children. Since then, Dragan longs to shape the world according to his twisted designs. 

Although he is a newcomer, he knew how to channel the discontent of the population with his powerful charisma, quickly gaining followers despite his anti-democratic ideals. Those who were not seduced by his empty promises of a New Order, were intimidated by his relentless conquests on the battlefield. Whether out of fear or admiration, Dragan is revered with devotion in the northern lands, where the misinformation spread by his sidekick, Helga Lund, runs deepest among the disillusioned population.

Do you know something about Dragan that we don’t? Head over to our Discord and share it with us! You can request access to our private beta, and don’t forget to wishlist One Military Camp on Steam.

Recruit, we are waiting for you!

See you there!

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