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New incomers in Abylight Studios team!

Abylight Studios’ Team continues its growth! We are especially happy to welcome Fran and Dani, the first one because he comes from afar to join us and the second one because he has successfully completed his internship at Aby.

We’ll start introducing Fran, a Graduate in Computer Engineering, with a Master’s Degree in “Virtual reality, simulation, computer graphics & video games”, enthusiast of graphic programming and optimization. He also likes to organize free software events – yes, he is one of those that evangelizes about the beauty of Freedom Software – and teaching to promising developers about video game creation at the University, such as ENTI.

As his specialization is in graphic computing, he will be part of the team as a Developer programmer to give support in both our own IP projects and services for third parties. He already shows promise! 

Dani is such a big fan of video games that, according to him, was born with a game console attached. This year he has finished the “Video game Development and 3D Environments” degree at CEV and this is how he has started his professional career: doing an internship as Technical Artist at Aby the first half of the year.

In addition to a limited knowledge in Korean and a special interest in assembling Ikea furniture – you know, what matters is the intention – he really is good in the video games creation field, so we see a promising future for him.

Bon courage for both them and the whole team!

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