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Play One Military Camp Demo at Steam Next Fest

Attention, recruits!

Steam Next Fest starts today and we are excited to announce that One Military Camp will be there! Finally, you’ll be able to play our brand new demo and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts and see your streams.


▷ Play One Military Camp Demo at Steam Next Fest | Abylight Barcelona | Independent video game developer studio in Barcelona.

These are really exciting times for all the team at Abylight Barcelona. This will be our first Steam Next Fest, and we are very proud of how much the game has evolved over the last couple of months. It almost feels like a different game 😀

Some of the members of our Discord community already had the opportunity to play our pre-alpha demo, but the one we have prepared for the festival is much more complete and closer to our vision for the final release.  Still a lot of stuff to add, but let’s go one step at a time. For now, we hope this demo gives you a good glimpse at what the game is and what it can become.

▷ Play One Military Camp Demo at Steam Next Fest | Abylight Barcelona | Independent video game developer studio in Barcelona.

Play the demo!

Check out our Steam page to download the demo, and stay tuned for Developer Livestreams and Q&As during the week. Miguel García, Creative Director, will be playing the game live and answering your questions.

▷ Play One Military Camp Demo at Steam Next Fest | Abylight Barcelona | Independent video game developer studio in Barcelona.


DEMO: Store.steampowered.com

Head over to our Discord server to get news about the game, share your feedback, and also join future Betas once the demo is over.

And of course, keep in touch with us through our socials (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok)


Happy playing!


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